Issue-Based Science | Developed by SEPUP | Lawrence Hall of Science
The issues in SEPUP's Issues and Science for California are like anchoring phenomena with more, and broader, connections. Not just an event or process that links scientific content - it is a big idea that is relevant to students' lives and is anchored in real-world events. These issues connect the why for students, "Why does this matter?"
Issue-oriented science forms the foundation of SEPUP’s curriculum materials and it is the only secondary science program to do so.
Issues and Science was developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science in response to the need for high quality, three dimensional, phenomena driven curriculum. It has earned the second-highest overall scores for middle school science curriculum. EdReports found Issues and Science to fully meet expectations for three-dimensional learning and assessment and to present phenomena and problems as directly as possible.
Learning Pathways
Alignment documents, like those linked below, have value during a curriculum review. But no matter how thorough, it is difficult to visualize the connectedness of the three-dimensions in such a format. Enter the Learning Pathway - a tool used by SEPUP during development to be sure the curriculum truly weaves the dimensions together.
Issues and Science | Explore the units
Finding the evidence
While nothing can replace thoughtful Professional Development and actually trying a new program in the classroom, some work needs to be done before those later steps. What do you look for when weeding out curriculum options? What is important to prioritize at your school or district? How do you arrive at your final top choices? Watch this video to get a sense of what evidence of NGSS design is offered in SEPUP Issues and Science for California: Designed for the NGSS and where to find it.