Organized Drawers
Can you kind of imagine it? You need to prep for a lab. Using the material list, you reference the outer labels and slide open the right drawer. Everything is organized. It all has a place - like an actual place just for that thing. It's an exciting idea, right? No more digging through bins of stuff. No more store stops for supplies. It's all there - everything you need.

Program Equipment
Middle school and high school Biology and Earth Science programs include drawers with:
- high-quality, field-tested lab materials
- reusable equipment for up to 32 students
- consumable materials for 160 students
- sets of small containers ready for group use
- durable carts with optional wheel attachments
We do it better
A place for everything and everything in its place. Custom designed for each unit, our program drawers have a unique space to hold each item for optimal storage and access. Front labels list the drawer's contents exactly as they are listed in the program's Teacher Edition so it's easy to find and easy to put away.