Join Lab-Aids at the Tennessee Science Teacher Association Annual Conference this September in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Make sure to mark your calendars to attend our workshops and stop by our booth to talk us.


Using Models to Study Impact as New Species are Introduced
From Middle School Issues and Science, Redesigned for the NGSS
Date: 11/3/2023  |  Time: 2:30-3:30p  |  Location: Cambridge A

Students develop a model for an ecosystem and then introduce a new species to explain how this invasive component affects the flow of energy and cycling of matter throughout the ecosystem. Come experience this hands-on interactive session and take home your own set of Lab-Aids Introduced Species Food Web cards!


Species Diversity, Global Sustainability, OH MY!
From Middle School Issues and Science, Redesigned for the NGSS
Date: 11/3/2023  |  Time: 4:00-5:00p  |  Location: Cambridge A

Look for patterns in species diversity in coral reef ecosystems and other animals to determine cause and effect relationships and understand how ecosystem interactions affect patterns of biological diversity.

Let us bring Lab-Aids to you!

Can't attend this event? We'll schedule an event in your area so you can see our program in action.