Make sure to stop by and see Bill Gipperich at the Tulsa Science Teachers Institute. 

Bill will be hosting the following hands-on workshops:

Chemical Batteries
Although we live a battery-powered lifestyle, most of us (middle school and high school students included) have no idea how batteries actually work. In this hands-on workshop, participants will be engaged in an activity from Issues and Physical Science from LAB-AIDS. Make a wet cell battery, explore the effect of using different metal electrodes on battery output, and consider ways to reduce the number of discarded batteries in the waste stream.

Hot Bulbs
Why use compact florescent instead of incandescent bulbs? In this activity from the SEPUP middle level physical science series, participants use specially designed equipment to measure the energy lost as heat by small incandescent bulbs. Energy concepts include calories, heat transfer, efficiency and more.

Let us bring Lab-Aids to you!

Can't attend this event? We'll schedule an event in your area so you can see our program in action.