Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Wake-Forest University School of Medicine

Dr. Hill is formerly the K-12 Science Director, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County (NC) Schools. The Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools(WSFCS) is comprised of 68 schools, including 14 middle and 8 high schools. In its baseline year, 2002, the district served 46, 492 students; 51% white, 35% African-American, 10% Hispanic.

Winston-Salem has been using SEPUP modules in its middle and high schools for more than ten years. The District uses some FOSS and STC units in its elementary science program and SEPUP units as the main component of its middle level (6-8) program in science. Teachers attend periodic staff development sessions led by district trainers, who have been themselves trained by SEPUP and Lab-Aids staff.

In 2004-2005, approximately 50% of the Winston-Salem teachers were using SEPUP materials in their classrooms. According to the midpoint review of the district Urban Systemic Initiative (USI) program, the SEPUP students outperformed their non-SEPUP peers. The mean normal curve equivalent (NCE) scores for eighth grade SEPUP students averaged four points higher than their non-SEPUP peers. Moreover, this pattern persisted across all subgroups. This test was given early in the 2004-05 school year, and the SEPUP/non-SEPUP designation is based on the SEPUP status of the 7th grade teacher.