A complete learning system

Each program component references the others to form a cohesive learning system for teachers and students. 

Professional Development

Build sustainability

Science educators have come to trust Lab-Aids as a valuable resource for engaging and worth-while professional development - whether it's an on-site implementation training, a summer academy to build instructional leadership, or a day focused on new standards or best-practice strategies.

Teachers PD

Using a model similar to other districts, we will create an intentional plan in your district to build internal leadership and long-term sustainability of the program.

Evidence of alignment


In 2014, Lab-Aids used the EQuiP rubrics to evaluate our Second Edition middle school programs to see where we already met and where we needed to improve. Turns out good science is good science and we already had a pretty solid foundation to work from. Third Edition was born from this initial reflective evaluation.  

Ecology, Third Edition | SEPUP

This seven week unit focuses on issues related to introduced species and disruptions that may cause to an ecosystem. Students explore potential impacts through the use of models and by analyzing and interpreting data on introduced species.

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Reproduction, Third Edition | SEPUP

This three to four week unit explores how genes are inherited, and explains why siblings often look similar, but not identical, to each other and their parents. Focus is on the role of genes in determining physical traits, behavioral traits, and human genetic disorders.  

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Waves, Third Edition | SEPUP

This five week unit focuses on issues related to the harmful effects of waves due to exposure to excessive noise and sunlight and precautions people can take to protect themselves. 

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SEPUP Third Edition | NGSS

Learning Pathways