Anchoring the phenomena to an issue
If you're familiar with current NGSS work you know the use of phenomena is a big deal. The issues in SEPUP's Issues and Science are like anchoring phenomena only with more connections. Not just an event or process that links scientific content - it is a big idea that is relevant to students' lives and is anchored in real-world events. These issues connect the why for students, "Why does this matter?"
Issue-oriented science forms the foundation of SEPUP’s curriculum materials and it is the only secondary science program to do so.
Three dimensional learning
Learning Pathways
Alignment documents, like those below and featured in the video above, have value during a curriculum review. But no matter how thorough, it is difficult to visualize the connectedness of the three-dimensions in such a format. Enter the Learning Pathway - a tool used by SEPUP during development to be sure the curriculum truly weaves the dimensions together.
The focus of student learning in these instructional materials—both instruction and assessment of learning—is on student performances that integrate all three dimensions.
Instructional Material Review
Get Started | A Reviewer's Guide
This four minute overview video is a quick guide for how to best navigate around the provided resources needed for evaluation using the EQuIP, the PEEC, or some other custom tool for NGSS alignment. It is intended for reviewers of the SEPUP curriculum, published by Lab-Aids.
Authentically moving to three-dimensional learning and teaching is a significant shift. We think we’ve put together some pretty compelling evidence to reflect the ability of SEPUP’s programs to do just that. Though only sample evidence for each unit is linked above, full evaluation copies are available for a more extensive review.
Customize your curriculum
Unit books and equipment packages make it easier to customize a program based on state standards and a recommended scope and sequence. Use the Curriculum Builder to interactively create your SEPUP middle school curriculum.
We've done most of the work for you, aligning performance expectations to most states' suggested scope and sequence. Select your state, or start from scratch, dragging units into the grade that best fits your school or district needs.
Program Overview and General Layout
SEPUP makes explicit connections to ELA learning in grade-appropriate, substantive ways and provides embedded strategies to help teachers deepen students' conceptual thinking.
Integrated into the programs the SEPUP assessment system sets up ways to collect evidence on student learning and improve performance.
An intentionally flexible approach to all program activity types help accomplish our goal that all students achieve scientific literacy.
Five Innovations in Science Education
Instructional materials have a significant impact on student learning. It is wise to be critical when making program selections. Here we’ve gathered resources to address common concerns and questions that arise when reviewing high-quality materials. Organized by the Five Innovations of the NGSS, all linked examples are from our new 6-8 program, Issues and Science, developed by SEPUP.
Building Sustainability
Science educators have come to trust Lab-Aids as a valuable resource for engaging and worth-while professional development - whether it's an on-site implementation training, the Summer Academy to develop internal leadership, or a day focused on new standards or best-practice strategies.
Online Portal
The online Portal for Issues and Science is available for both Students and Teachers and includes interactive text, LABsent sheets and videos for absent students, and the ability to receive and submit homework. Access to the Teacher Edition and Teacher Resources also includes editable PowerPoints, literacy tools, visual aids, training videos, and an integrated online assessment system.
Register for a trial access to Portal using the access code you've been provided. Don't have an access code? Let us know and we'll set you up!
We welcome the opportunity to address any questions, should they arise.