hovering mosquito inside a large, red flower

Designed for Florida

Issue-based curriculum provides an excellent foundation to easily localize content. While students investigate invasive species in Ecology, they may be more curious about their own local issue with invasive mosquitos. Articles like this one can further connect topics and inspire students to better understand genetics as they dive into the next unit, Reproduction.

Busy science classroom - group of 4 in forefront discuss a plan

Aligned to Florida

Issues and Science © 2023 is a hands-on, middle school science curriculum that prioritizes lab investigations and collaborative group work as the foundation of its instruction. It is developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science and is fully aligned to the Florida Academic Science Standards. Instructional design and unique Lab-Aids equipment allow students to regularly use the Science and Engineering Practices, while issue-oriented science helps students see how their work is connected to their lives and communities.

Recommended Middle School Programs for Florida

Unit sequencing is flexible based on local priorities. This design is intentional so that schools and districts can easily adjust the scope and sequence. Unit books are individually bound and, while the Teacher Editions guide connections to other units, the Student Books do not, so student are not left confused by references to something they haven't experienced yet. 

Included Equipment

Custom designed for each unit, our program drawers have a unique space to hold each item for optimal storage and access. Front labels list the drawer's contents exactly as they are listed in the program's Teacher Edition so it's easy to find and easy to put away. 

Watch the quick overview to see the full program equipment and organization or click here to see all middle school equipment.


What will students be doing?

Students using Lab-Aids® programs quickly come to expect that they will be purposefully active during science. Science and Engineering Practices are a regular part of their week and are the main vehicle for content as students collect data, engage in relevant dialog, and keep notes both on what they've learned and their understanding as it develops.

Student Book & Notebook

High school courses | Florida

Student making waves with a slinky

Concept Kits

Think back to that last magical moment when your students were authentically engaged - it’s the best, right? Their hands are busy while their minds are actively questioning, processing, and making connections. We want you to have more days like that.
Easily fill instructional gaps, reinforce challenging concepts, and spark curiosity with these engaging activities from Lab-Aids, correlated to the Florida State Academic Standards.

KITS | Middle School

Aligned to Florida

Browse our Florida catalog for supplemental, 2-3 day middle school activities correlated to Florida standards, organized by content area. 

Kits | High School

Aligned to Florida

Biology activities for one day, or several, organized by reporting category and correlated to Florida standards for high school classrooms. 

Professional Learning

Professional learning is a critical component of any new instructional material implementation and at Lab-Aids we strive to develop internal district leadership and long-term sustainability of the program. Science educators have come to trust Lab-Aids as a valuable resource for engaging and worth-while professional development - whether it's an on-site implementation training, the Summer Academy to develop internal leadership, or a day focused on standards or best-practice strategies. 

image of Laura Rulison-Lange





Laura Rulison-Lange

Sales Representative




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